
Safaris... good to know...

To prevent any unpleasant surprises during the safari, below are listed the most important information and rules for a diving safari. If you have any questions or problems during your safari, our dive guides and the crew will help you with words and deeds.



In addition to the normal equipment, the following things are absolutely necessary for each diver:

diving computer is compulsory

one safety buoy per diver


medical statement maximum 1 year old (according to Egyptian law)


valid diving certificate

regulator with octopus

one torch per person during night dives

diving accident insurance (can be concluded on board. For safaris starting from
   Hurghada € 6,- and safaris starting from Port Ghalib € 7,-)

Please bring two copies of your passport!

Without proof of a valid diving certification, we reserve the right to exclude guest from diving.

Please bring all above mentioned documents and copies with you on board; send us only a copy of the passport in advance via email, thanks.



Kindly reduce soap consumption since waste water will poor directly into sea. Please respect the environment by bringing biodegradable products with your holiday toiletries. Please do not flush paper or hygiene products, instead use the therefor provided special containers, so as to keep diving enjoyable without paper waste on the reefs or floating in the water. In addition, this will prevent blocked pipes, which are almost impossible to repair during the safari, or might (in case of repair during the safari) cause strong dirt and odor nuisance! 



You will find tea, coffee and Nescafe, bottled soft drinks (Cola, Sprite, Cola Zero) as well as water for free at any time during the safari. Other drinks, like soda, tonic, beer and wine are available on extra charge (please check our pricelists).

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited between the dives!



The bow area in the boat is reserved for the crew, where they eat and pray. We kindly urge you to respect their area. In addition, many ropes and anchors are stored there which can lead to injury.



Each cabin has portholes that can be opened. We recommend to open them as often as possible in order to refresh the air in your cabin. The air conditioner only takes available air, so there won’t be fresh air exchange. Please make sure that each porthole is closed during sailing.



Due to logistical or technical reasons we may need to change the boat which you initially booked for. You will be informed about any boat change as soon as more information is available. The minimum number of guests for each safari is usually 10 persons. In case of less than 10 bookings, we reserve the right to cancel the safari 14 days before departure.



There will be a check dive during the first dive. The dive guides will ask you to clear your mask, recovery of your regulator and at the end of the dive to set your SMB.


A dry desert climate is normal for the Red Sea region. Especially during the summer months,
expect temperatures around 40°C during the day. In wintertime temperatures will drop, especially during evenings and at night. You may need to bring yourself a warm sweater or jacket, and we recommend to bring ear protection because of the wind.



Abstract from the law of environment

hunting, fishing, collecting corals, shells and other marine life is strictly forbidden

 throwing any waste (rubbish, oil, fat) into the sea is forbidden

it is generally forbidden to anchor in protected areas

 feeding fish and birds is forbidden

 it is forbidden to walk on the reefs and/or corals

 wearing gloves during diving is only allowed for protection

Any violation can lead to fines and/or prison sentences. Moreover, the authorities reserve the right to ban the respective captain and/or dive guide from their profession, or to confiscate the boat license for a certain period of time.

The maximum dive depth for diving with compressed air is 40 m! (by showing the corresponding certificate). For any technical diving the rules from CDWS apply (Chamber of Diving and Watersports, (

Besides, also here in Egypt the importance of environmental awareness grows more and more. Since June 2019 a law is accepted in order to reduce one-way plastics. Step by step everyone is adjusting to generally reduce all plastic consumption.
As far as we are able to do so, we make an effort to have our diving safaris free of any plastic
consuming products. Therefore,we offer on board of our safari boats aluminum
drinking bottles (instead of the plastic water bottles), which can be purchased at lowest charge. The bottles can be filled at any time from the water dispensers on board.
For everyone a great souvenir from your diving safari with Deep Blue Cruises.



To join our dive safaris, you must be a certified diver and have at least 30 logged dives. For all the Marine Park safaris (Brothers, Daedalus, Rocky, Zabargad) you should have a minimum of 50 logged dives. Your last dive to be within the last one year. Make sure you have enough diving practice.

In case above mentioned qualifications are not met, our dive guides reserve the right to not allow your participation in certain or all dives during the safari, or change the safari routing in order to adjust to the experience and/or training of one diver only.



For diving emergencies there are two 50-liter oxygen tanks available on board, with pressure
regulator and mask. Furthermore, a transportable oxygen case is to be found in the captains cabin or dive guide cabin. A first aid kit with general medical supply is also on board. To bring an injured diver to a hospital or deco chamber may take about 8 hours or more. So kindly always keep in mind, the risks during diving.



On board will be 220 Volt alternating current available. A charge station is located on the diving deck where you can charge your torch and/or camera. Please note that it is strictly prohibited to charge cameras etc. in the cabins - fire hazard!
Caution: Automatic chargers are not necessarily suitable, due to regular electricity fluctuations.



On board we offer the possibility to purchase hoody’s (each € 40,-), T-Shirts in different colors
(each € 20,-) and various other goody´s from our assortment. Payment is to be done on board. Upon request your name can be embroidered on the jackets or T-shirts, for this service € 5,- per item will be charged. Simply pre-order at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you will receive your personal Deep Blue Cruises jacket/shirt upon safari start.
Embroidery is free of charge for groups of minimum 10 persons.



There will only be a limited and standard supply of medication on board. Kindly bring your own medical supplies and check whether any of your medications are compatible with diving.



WIFI is available and free of charge on board. Generally, WIFI connection is only available as long as being within range of any mobile network and is not intended to be used for large data exchange.



Each safari is accompanied by German and English speaking dive guides. The crew on board speaks Arabic and most of them some English.



Night diving, swimming or snorkeling is prohibited in Marine Park areas, and entering any island is not allowed.



For the safari permissions we require the following data from each guest at least 14 days before departure:
Family name, name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, copy of passport, flight details, diving licences, number of dives, month and year of the last dive, eventually required rental equipment and/or 15 L tanks or diving gear and specials like allergies etc.



Nitrox is free of charge for all certified divers. Should the Nitrox system fail during safari and Nitrox cannot be delivered afterwards, damage claims cannot be made. Moreover, to be able to guarantee availability, Nitrox / Specialties / AOWD courses are to be booked for in advance.



All prices mentioned on board are in Euro.  For cash payments we accept Euro, Dollar and Egyptian Pound. Payment by credit card (VISA or MasterCard) is also accepted. The amount to be paid will be converted to Egyptian Pounds, the bank charge a 3% fee.



Rental equipment is not standard available on board. If you need rental equipment or single pieces of equipment, please send us your request by email at least 14 days prior to the booked safari. Payment is to be made on board. We recommend you to bring the most important spare parts for your equipment, like mask straps and fins, etc.



There are lifejackets for all guests and the crew on board. Two self-inflating life rafts are on the sundeck of each boat. In every cabin, in the corridor, salon, kitchen and in the engine room there are fire extinguishers to be used in case of emergency. Furthermore, on each boat is a fire hose (water). Upon arrival you will receive a safety introduction on board.


Please do not wear wet diving or swimming clothes in the salon. Due to a high humidity the seat cushions need long time to dry.



Every boat is equiped with a satellite phone. In case of emergency we will be able to contact the needed emergency services on shore at any given time.
These phones are not constantly switch on to receive calls and are not meant for incoming calls for guests. In case an urgent phone call needs to be made by any guest, the satellite phone can be used and costs for the call will be charged.


Wearing shoes is in the salon and the cabins is prohibited. Outside you are allowed to wear light sailing shoes or beach shoes.



It is not allowed to take pillows, blankets or mattresses from of the cabin in order to bring them on deck. If you would like to sleep outside on deck, please bring your own sleeping bag and use any of the sun mattresses.



In all closed rooms smoking is strictly forbidden. For your safety there are fire/smoke detectors on board, which are very sensitive to any smoke. Smoking outside is allowed, please use the provided ashtrays and do not throw butts into the sea.



More than in other countries, "Baksheesh" is usually expected in Egypt. To not get lost in any discussion about the amount of the "tip", tipping of course is voluntary, although it`s a great way to say thank you for provided service from boats crew and guides during your safari (Guideline €10 per day).



Check in will be on board from 3 pm on the first day of your tour, departure from the harbor will be the following morning. Six days at sea, each day 2-4 dives can be made and 2 dives on the last day. Arrival in the harbor will be one day before departure in the early afternoon.
Check out will be the next morning after breakfast at 10 am. the latest.
Please notice that the booked full board accommodation starts with check-in on the boat and ends with check-out from the boat.
To proceed a safari depends on the weather conditions (wind, waves, current) and local
regulations. A guarantee to reach all the dive sides from a planned trip cannot be given.
Transfer to the airport is arranged on the last day of your safari. Depending on the time of
departure of your flight home, you may like to stay in a hotel on a day-room basis or choose
for a day of pool-use only. The costs of approximately €20 till €30 is not included in the safari
price and should be paid in the picked hotel.
Due to organizational or technical reasons we reserve the right to accommodate our guests
on their first/last night in a hotel.




On board we provide each guest with one bath towel, one normal size towel and a bathrobe. The towels will be changed in the middle of the week



Your assigned tour leader - easy to identify by a sign with the boats name you booked for – will be awaiting you in the entrance hall at the airport. There you will receive your entry visa, which you booked for in advanced. The tour leader is there to advice and help you. Outside of the airport will be another tour leader, also carrying a sign with the boats name, who will show you the right bus. Transfers are collective ones! 

Transfer from Hurghada airport to the boat in Hurghada is included in the safari price. From Marsa Alam airport to the marina in Port Ghalib € 10,- per person/one way will be charged.
For transfer from Hurghada airport to the marina in Port Ghalib € 25,- will be charged per person/one way.
On the day of arrival or departure you may have some waiting time in Hurghada! During this time your luggage can be dropped off in our office. We can also organize a daily hotel room or pool use only for extra charge.

For those who prefer not to wait, we gladly organize special transfer, which is to be paid on board. Prices on request. 



If you have any questions or problems on your diving safari please inform the dive guide or the crew. They will be happy to assist you.



Deep Blue Cruises
Hurghada / Red Sea
Tel. +20 (0)100 171 2005 
      +20 (0)100 171 2004
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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